Welcome to Strength Flight

Strength Flight: Autoregulated progressive overload Transform your workouts with personalized programs, autoregulation, progress tracking, and a vast exercise library, all tailored to fit your goals.

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Progress: Simplicity, Consistency and Intensity


What you get with Strength Flight

The most comprehensive program builder on the market. Most used app by elite lifters.


Advance your strength based on actual performance, removing the guesswork of future gains with accurate, performance-driven progress tracking.

Ready-to-lift Programs

Discover premium pre-made programs for every level, from beginner to eliteโ€”just choose, lift, and let autoregulation seamlessly guide your progress.

Advanced Program Builder

Design your own workout plans with our full suite of autoregulation features, ensuring each program adapts to your needs.

Track your Progress

Monitor your training with advanced tracking that charts your strength, workouts, and PRs.

Exercise Database

Comprehensive exercise library with the ability to add your own exercises, ensuring you're never limited in your training.

Join Our Fitness Community

Connect, share, and grow with a vibrant community of fitness enthusiasts, where support and inspiration flow freely, enhancing your workout journey.

Get to know the app

Strength Flight's Blueprint: Progressive Overload

Getting bigger and stronger

Focus on small and consistent progress for massive gains


Progressive overload lays the groundwork for continuous improvement.


It can be applied through various methods such as increasing weights, volume, or intensity.


Enables sustained progress through the emphasis on incremental short-term improvements.


Dynamic Progression

Adaptable training to meet your needs

Progression Types

Adapt your training by adjusting weight, reps, sets, or intensity based on your performance.


Adaptations are programmed however you see fit. Use them when you want, skip them when you don't.


Program Database

Constantly growing program library with popular and highly effective programs.


The best program builder in any app ever.

Training Styles

Programs for bodybuilding, powerlifting, powerbuilding, olympic lifting and the ability to create your own.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Strength Flight different?

Strength Flight isn't just another app to track your workouts. It's designed around creating well structured programs that utilize the science based principles of progressive overload and autoregulation.

Is Strength Flight free?

Strength Flight is free to use with slightly limited features. You can always create your own programs and track workouts. However, to access the all the programming along with autoregulation features, you'll need to subscribe to our premium plan.

What is progressive overload?

Progressive overload is a core principle in fitness that involves gradually increasing the stress placed on your body during exercise to continually stimulate muscle growth, strength, and endurance improvements. This can be achieved by adding more weight, increasing volume, or increasing intensity, ensuring your workout remains challenging and effective.

What is autoregulation?

Autoregulation is a training approach that tailors the intensity and volume of your workouts to your body's daily performance capability. It recognizes that factors like sleep, nutrition, and stress can affect your training performance. By using methods such as Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) or Repetitions in Reserve (RIR), autoregulation allows for adjustments in your workout intensity based on how you feel each week, ensuring optimal training effectiveness while minimizing the risk of overtraining or injury.

Download Strength Flight now!

What are you waiting for? Take your training to the next level.

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